

Dashing, Vol. 3 CD Cover

Stream from Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music, and for purchase from Amazon.
Bluegrass Mass CD Cover
with VocalEssence and Monroe Crossing

Available from VocalEssence, Monroe Crossing, and Gothic Records.
Bluegrass Te Deum CD Cover
  • Micah 6:8
  • Into the Fire
  • with VocalEssence and Monroe Crossing

    Available from VocalEssence, and Monroe Crossing.
    Choral Currents CD Cover

    Available from Innova.
    Album and track available from iTunes.
    Duo Octava CD Cover
    featuring Nan Raphael & Nancy Mulholland

    Available from CD Baby.
    MMC Orchestral Miniatures CD Cover

    Available from MMC Recordings and Amazon.com.
    Syncopated Lady CD Cover
    featuring Tomoko Deguchi

    Available from Capstone Records and Amazon.com.
    Heartbeats CD Cover
    Available from Innova and Amazon.com.
    My Soul's Delight CD Cover

    Available from Amazon and Itunes
    Minnesota Voices CD Cover
    featuring Choral Arts Ensemble

    Album not commercially available at the present time.
    CD Cover

    Available from Chicago a cappella and Amazon.com.

    Album and tracks available from iTunes.

    Four Elements: Works for Horn & Piano by Female Composers

    Preview tracks at AllMusic.com and for purchase information visit artist Lin Foulk's website.